ACF Asian Cinema Fund

Asian Network of Documentary(AND) Fund

2019 Asian Network of Documentary (AND) Fund

LIST Again the Wind Blows (aka Romani′s Life)
Category BIFF Mecenat Fund
Project Again the Wind Blows (aka Romani′s Life)
Director KIM Tae-il, JU Ro-mi
Country Korea
Director's Profile Kim Taeil started making documentaries as a member of PURN Production and produced works dealing with the recent history of Korea. His film Annyong, Sayonara (2005, co-director Kato Kumiko) won the Woonpa Award at Busan International Film Festival 2005. Along with his wife, Ju Romi, and his children, he has made No Name Stars (2010), Wellang Trei (2012), and All live Olive (2016, co-director Ju Romi).
It is a story of gypsy women living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, The lives of the gypsies, who have long been discriminated and prejudiced, have not changed that much. In particular, gypsy women have lived with much suffering and difficulties both socially and in the home compared to men. Grandmother Ramiza is a blacksmith, and Amelra runs a game room in the gypsy village of Vysoko. And when the warm season returns, the voices of Cergashi(nomadic gypsy) women, who cannot help but have nothing to do, can be heard.
Director's Note
This documentary project is about the meaning of coexistence, not the gaze of prejudice and distortion, seen through the Gypsy women who are the weakest in Bosnian society. It will not take on the outside view of Gypsy, which is sometimes seen as immoral, or sometimes romantic, but will be told by Gypsy women themselves who live a sincere and pleasant life. Their stories of trying to find their identity and trying to enter the mainstream society are no different to us. I want to hear in their voices how their lives have been distorted and hated for so long.
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